About Us
The American Museum of LGBT History was founded June 1, 2016 in the United States, in the City of Detroit Michigan by WHOSOEVER Ministry UCC, Inc., a non-profit 501©3 corporation.
Whosoever Ministry was founded in June,1996 and became incorporated in 2003. Whosoever Ministry, was developed and implemented for the Christian LGBT Community as ‘a safe place to worship’ for members, supporters, family, friends and their allies. In 2015, Whosoever Ministry was approached by the United Church of Christ, an international global denomination. According to the UCC.org website, “In recent years, Christians from other traditions, including the Roman Catholic Church, have found a home in the UCC, and so have other gay and lesbian Christians who have not been welcomed in other churches. The United church of Christ celebrates and continues a broad variety of traditions in its common life.”
The United Church of Christ celebrates being the first of many social justice reform efforts around the world. The United Christ of Christ was very active in the American Civil Rights Movement with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. The United Church of Christ is the first denomination to ordain a woman, and to ordain, an African American person, the UCC is the first to ordained an openly gay person, the first to go to the Supreme Court to demand Marriage Equality for LGBTQ Americans, the UCC is the first denomination to partner with Whosoever Ministry and the American Museum of LGBTQ History.
The proud history that the Church shares with the Museum is important and, relevant. Because the church shares in the responsibility of past bias toward LGBTQ citizens, it is imperative that ‘the church’ share in mending the spiritual and social injustice that condemned gays and lesbians historically. This is why we celebrate the American Museum of LGBTQ History because the church has begun to accept responsibility for rejecting gays and lesbians through past years. The American Museum of LGBTQ History is a seed planted by Whosoever Ministry United Church of Christ intended to educate the world about LGBTQ history and the important of inclusiveness. This landmark virtual pictorial museum tells the stories, share the memories and allow the world the chance to see our faces and know us, while never being introduced. Some of you may remember a magazine called LOOK Magazine. The fascinating twist to that magazine was that it was just pictures, for the most part. This is equally true about the American Museum of LGBTQ History. Now, you are able to look into the eyes, faces and hearts of the LGBTQ society in America. See clearly who we are, and the contributions we make on your behalf each day. Now, you’ve found a treasure!
We hope that you enjoy your journey through the American Museum of LGBTQ History. Please visit frequently because we frequently add new photos and memorabilia.
Thank you for visiting, we hope to see you soon.
Rev. Dr. Selma Massey, Founder
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